Monday, August 20, 2018

Create and Get Started Blogging Online Part 11 – Generating Content Ideas

Now that you have set up your blog it’s time to start publishing some content. Content is what will build engagement on your blog, and will build loyalty from your readers. I have over 5 blogs and have been writing content for them every “3” days and knowing what to write about has made this process much easier. Over the last several months Google has introduced so many updates changing the way we engage with content. Your rankings now depend on quality, freshness and social shares. The more people share your content the higher the chance of getting solid links from authority websites to it. The process is very simple once you get use to writing high quality content which includes enormous substance. Next,

We will be looking at “3” awesome ways to generate content ideas, and in the next section we’ll look at: How to publish your content. Let’s get started…

Whenever I am generating content idea’s I’ll always start with “1” main keyword, and then build momentum from there. For example, the keyword “make money online” can be used to come up with content ideas like:

  • Ways to make money online from your blog?
  • Tools to make money online?
  • Top bloggers making money online?

These are all good content topics, and I can write about them in great detail especially because I have some knowledge on the topics. However, I like to use another approach sometimes when I have a main keyword. I like to use one of the “3” ways mentioned here:


You can learn a lot from your competition even what type of content is creating a buzz online. I like to focus on my main keyword then head over to my competitors to see what they have written on the topic. I also like to look over the social media shares to understand more about the popularity going forward. If the content has been shared several times then it’s something which you know has resonated with readers. What’ next?

I like to take my competitors content and go through it finding ways to make it better going forward. I’ll add more text, videos and images until it becomes the best online. You won’t find content better than mine once I’m done with it.


I love forums because they’ve been around for years and the people on them are EXACTLY like us – trying to learn new things. If you have your main keyword “make money online” then type it into the search, and you’ll come up with questions people have asked over several months. Start making a list of these questions so you can answer them within the content you write going forward. Just make sure the questions are related to your main keyword so your content stays consistent going forward.

It’s important you find 1-3 forums which are the MOST popular within your niche and spend time going through each one finding popular questions. You’ll know which ones to focus on by looking over the views and responses each one has received.

Other Bloggers

One of the best ways to generate content ideas is by reaching out to other top bloggers within your niche. One way I generate ideas is by asking influential bloggers within my niche questions on my main keyword. For example, if my main keyword is “make money online” I will reach out to 10-15 bloggers asking them their best way to make money online. This method works so well because some people have been bloggers for so many years that they have the knowledge to really give you some great insight. Here’s how you approach this method…

Start by creating a list of influential bloggers within your niche. I would suggest starting with 5-10. Next, write out a genuine email asking them for their response to “1” general questions which would provide enormous substance to you. For example in my case I would ask: What is your best approach to making money online?

Once you have compiled all the answers you can either:

  • Write a summary post displaying all of their answers
  • Write lengthy content going over each method they discussed
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from John Chow dot Com
via Daniel

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